Gun owners have a serious responsibility to safeguard their firearms. If you have the space and the money, using a gun safe is great, but it can be too pricey or large for your house.
Storing your guns without any safety system is never acceptable. Additionally, it may be illegal to do so in some areas, making your firearms more prone to theft and raising the possibility that, in the event of a break-in, your weapon will fall into the wrong hands. Even worse, unattended guns put everyone in your home in danger, particularly young children.
Since most gun owners consider this to be a major issue, we have prepared this guide on how to safely store your firearms without a gun safe.
How To Store a Gun Without a Gun Safe?
Even though a safe is a requirement, there might be instances where you need to store weapons without one. Below, we'll show you how to store your guns without a gun safe:
1) Use a Gun Cabinet

Credit: Envato Elements/ magraphics
The best way to store guns without a safe is by using a gun cabinet. A gun cabinet is frequently made of thin, 14 or 12-gauge sheets of metal. They are fairly light and simple to move. They especially do a fantastic job of keeping guns away from children.
Gun cabinets don't offer the same level of security as a standard gun safe, but they are still relatively secure. A dedicated burglar may be able to open a gun cabinet, but your average smash-and-grab burglar probably won't have the patience to do so before fleeing.
Gun cabinets and gun safes are frequently mistaken for one another. The primary differences between the two are the locking mechanism and steel thickness. While gun cabinets often have thinner steel that is more akin to a garage cabinet and are accessed by a key, gun safes frequently have thicker steel and a genuine lock.
2) Use Gun Storage Bags

Credit: Envato Elements/ FabrikaPhoto
Even though it offers no security, a gun storage bag will prevent your firearms from corroding while being stored. This is an especially smart move when storing guns for an extended period.
These multi-sized, feature-rich storage bags make it easy to travel safely with your firearms. They are small and light and have interior cushioning to shield your firearm from both internal and external damage.
3) Use a Gun Case
Credit: Envato Elements/ Tatiana Mara
There are numerous varieties of gun cases that are available. Each gun case offers unique features and advantages to help you keep your firearms safe and secure.
To protect the weapons, gun cases are manufactured with an exterior composed of polymer, nylon, or occasionally metal and an internal padding system, which is either made of foam or another material.
Gun cases can either be soft shells or hard shells and come with a locking system. Out of all the different varieties of gun cases, a hard case provides the most protection. They are made of either metal or a sturdy polymer shell, and foam padding lines the inside.
Softshell gun cases on the other hand are ideal for trips to the range or hunting and offer quick access. They are padded and made of materials like leather, nylon, and polyester.
4) Use Cable Locks and Trigger Locks

Credit: Envato Elements/ joebelanger
Regardless of which method you use to store your firearm, you need a cable lock and trigger lock.
A trigger lock prevents a gun from being discharged by fitting over the trigger and trigger guard. Most frequently, it is a two-piece lock in which a tiny bar slides through the trigger guard of a firearm.
On the other hand, a cable lock is a component that enters your gun and prevents it from discharging by blocking the barrel or the use of ammunition. You can purchase cable locks and trigger locks at your local gun store.
Ideal Locations for Safe Firearm Storage
Credit: Envato Elements/ joebelanger
If you choose to safely store your firearms using the aforementioned methods, location should also be taken into account.
Even though the master bedroom may not be the best location to store valuables, it is where you spend the majority of your time sleeping. You can place a gun storage box under the bed for use during an emergency.
The kitchen pantry is another excellent area to store your guns. The kitchen does not hold much appeal for burglars. In addition, you spend a lot of time there each day. In the case of a home invasion, you have quick access to your gun in the kitchen.
Another great spot to keep a gun is in the space right outside the front door. You can store it in a storage bag in the closet. By doing this, you have access to the weapon in case someone tries to enter via the door.
Making the right decision regarding how to store firearms without a safe is crucial. The aforementioned solutions can be combined to create a more secure one. A safe gun storage system can stop catastrophic or fatal gun-related accidents. The chosen storage method will enhance security against intrusion.
Before storing your firearms, be aware of the safe storage requirements in your state. Some states might prohibit the aforementioned methods and require you to use a gun safe.
In addition to safely storing your firearms within your home to protect yourself from intrusion, you will need shooting targets to help you improve your aim. What good is having a gun if you don't have a good aim? EasyShot shooting targets are your best friend when it comes to improving your shooting skills. Check us out today.