gun with chain and lock ontop

Manual Safety or Not: The Pros and Cons of Having a Safety Switch on Your Firearm


Firearms are powerful tools that require responsible handling and ownership. One of the most important aspects of firearm design is the manual safety switch. This feature has long been the subject of debate among gun enthusiasts, with some considering it a crucial component that can save lives, while others see it as an unnecessary and potentially dangerous distraction. As a responsible gun owner, it is imperative to evaluate both sides of the debate before making a purchase.

In this blog, we will delve deep into this topic and explore the pros and cons of having a manual safety. By the end of this blog, you will have all the necessary information to make an informed decision regarding this critical feature. Let's get started.


Understanding Manual Safeties


 man looking at a gun in gun shop

Credit: Envato Elements/ NomadSoul1


Before diving into the pros and cons of manual safeties, it's important to understand what they are and how they function.

A manual safety is a device on a firearm designed to prevent it from firing accidentally. When engaged, the safety mechanism physically blocks the trigger, hammer, or firing pin, rendering the gun temporarily inoperable. The user must consciously disengage the safety, typically by flipping a switch or lever, before the gun can be fired.

There are various types of manual safeties, including:


1) Manual Thumb Safety


Manual thumb safeties are typically situated on the side of a firearm, near the grip. These safeties are usually operated by the shooter's thumb and are commonly featured on 1911-style handguns and certain modern striker-fired guns.


2) Grip Safety


Grip safeties are incorporated into the backstrap of a firearm's grip. These safeties are designed to be disengaged when the shooter firmly grips the gun, ensuring that the firearm is being held correctly before it can be fired. They are often found on modern semi-automatic handguns.


3) Trigger Safety


Trigger safeties are built into the trigger of a firearm. They typically feature a small lever or tab that must be pressed by the trigger finger before the trigger can be pulled. The purpose of this safety is to prevent accidental discharges in case the gun is dropped or jostled. They are often found on Glock handguns which is a popular type of concealed carry pistol.


4) Cross-bolt Safety


Cross-bolt safeties are commonly found on shotguns and rifles. These safeties are located behind or in front of the trigger and are operated by pushing a button or pin from one side to the other.


Pros of Having a Manual Safety Switch on Your Firearm


 man holding shotgun

Credit: Envato Elements/ rawf8


Now that we have a better understanding of manual safeties, let's examine their pros and cons, starting with the pros:


1) Prevents Accidental Discharges


One of the key benefits of incorporating a manual safety switch on a firearm is its ability to prevent accidental discharges. By physically blocking the trigger or firing mechanism, the safety mechanism makes the firearm temporarily inoperable. This feature can be particularly useful when someone who is inexperienced or unfamiliar with the firearm's operation handles it, or when someone is unaware that there is a loaded round in the chamber.


2) Ensures the Safety of Children


Firearm-related accidents involving children are a tragic and all-too-common occurrence. Incorporating a manual safety switch into a firearm can provide an extra layer of protection, making it more challenging for a child to accidentally discharge the weapon. However, it is important to note, that a safety switch should never be relied upon as the sole means of preventing accidents involving children; responsible gun storage and education are also critical.


3) Provides Protection During Holstering and Unholstering


When holstering or unholstering a firearm, the presence of a manual safety switch can provide extra protection against accidental discharges. A properly designed and functioning safety switch can help ensure that the gun does not fire unintentionally during these actions, which is particularly important for those who concealed carry guns on a regular basis.


4) Ensures Peace of mind


For some gun owners, having a manual safety switch on their firearm offers a sense of security, knowing that the gun cannot be fired accidentally without first disengaging the safety. This can be especially important for those who are new to firearms or may be nervous about handling them.


Cons of Having a Manual Safety Switch on Your Firearm


 hands on shotgun

Credit: Envato Elements/ alexbowmore


Below are the cons of having a manual safety device on your firearm:


1) False Sense of Security


One of the primary arguments against having a manual safety switch on a firearm is that it can create a false sense of security. Some gun owners may become complacent, relying on the safety switch as their only means of preventing accidental discharges, rather than practicing proper firearm handling and storage techniques. This overreliance on the safety switch can lead to accidents if the safety mechanism fails or is unintentionally disengaged.


2) Slower Reaction Time in Self-Defense Situations


In a self-defense situation, every second counts. Having a manual safety switch on a firearm can potentially slow down the time it takes to draw, disengage the safety, and fire. For some, this delay could make the difference between life and death. Firearms without manual safeties often rely on internal safety mechanisms and proper trigger discipline, allowing for quicker access and use in high-stress situations.


3) Complexity and Potential for Failure


Adding a manual safety switch to a firearm increases its complexity, which can introduce the potential for mechanical failure. While most modern firearms are designed and manufactured to high standards, there is always the possibility that the safety mechanism could fail, either by not engaging when it should or by not disengaging when it needs to. This added complexity can also make the firearm more difficult to clean and maintain.


4) Leads to Inconsistencies in Muscle Memory


For those who own and regularly use multiple firearms, having a manual safety switch on some but not others can create confusion and inconsistencies in muscle memory. In high-stress situations, this can lead to potentially dangerous mistakes, such as attempting to disengage a nonexistent safety or forgetting to disengage the safety on a firearm that has one. Consistent training and practice are crucial for overcoming these potential issues, but some gun owners argue that it's simpler and more efficient to choose firearms without manual safeties to avoid these complications altogether.


Should You Get a Gun with a Manual Safety or Not?


 man holding gun hidden behind his back

Credit: Envato Elements/ nutthasethw


Deciding on whether to opt for a firearm with a manual safety or not ultimately depends on your personal preference, intended use, and comfort level. Both choices have their advantages and disadvantages, and what may work best for one individual may not be suitable for another.

If you are considering a carry gun with optional manual safety, it is vital to understand the potential drawbacks. For instance, there is a possibility of accidentally leaving the safety engaged during high-stress situations. To prevent this from happening, it is crucial to commit to regular training to develop safe handling habits and muscle memory for manipulating the safety switch quickly and effectively.

On the other hand, if you prefer a firearm without a manual safety, it is essential to practice strict trigger discipline and invest in a quality holster that covers the trigger guard. This will help minimize the risk of any negligent discharge.




In conclusion, the decision to use a manual safety switch on a firearm ultimately comes down to personal preference and the specific situation. Regardless of your decision, it is crucial to prioritize firearm safety training and responsible gun ownership to prevent accidents and ensure the well-being of yourself and others.

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