A person wearing earmuffs and pointing his rifle to a target

How to Improve Your Long-Range Shooting Skills



Long-range shooting has motivated manufacturers of firearms and optics to create new devices that make it simpler to hit targets at greater distances. Even while the latest features and technology in these rifles and scopes make precision shooting simpler than ever, it might not be enough to hit your target. If you want to enhance your long-range shooting skills, here are 8 useful tips.


Helpful Tips to Improve Your Long-Range Shooting Skills


Long-range shooting can be challenging. Use the following suggestions to set yourself up for success:


1)  Become an Accurate Short Range Shooter Before Shooting Long Range


A lady at the shooting range practising

Credit: Envato Elements/ kitzstocker


To be successful at long-range shooting, you need to be an accurate short-range shooter. Shooting from a distance demands both proficiency and assurance. As you become skilled at closer ranges and develop an awareness of the effects that small changes can have on your performance, you can use this information to internally compute the modifications that are required at longer ranges.


2)  Get a Shooting Platform


A man in military uniform aiming his rifle

Credit: Envato Elements/ StudioPeace


If you have a shooting platform you can sit, stand, or kneel in an ideal position that requires the least amount of movement possible. Without a shooting platform, your muscle might get tired resulting in inaccurate shots. As a result, if you plan to shoot long-range, consider using a shooting platform like a sandbag. Once your shooting platform is in place, you should feel secure enough to spend hours at the range or on the field without your muscle cramping up.


3)  Have an Even Trigger Pull


A man in military holding his rifle and aiming to the ground

Credit: Envato Elements/ Stockcentral


You can't just pull your rifle trigger and hope that the bullet will land on the target. As a long-range shooter, you want a strong, even trigger pull to the back. This means that in order to strike the target, you must pull the trigger slowly, steadily, and consistently. Any minor movement could impact the precision of your shot. To practice your trigger pull, try dry firing with dummy rounds.


4)  Adopt the Proper Breathing Technique


A lady looking through the barrel of the gun

Credit: Envato Elements/ svitlanah


Most shooters believe that holding a breath while shooting a long-range shot is vital, but in reality, doing so could cause your target to move as a result of your chest's abrupt expansion and contraction. Instead, it is advised to take a few deep breaths to slow down your heartbeat while maintaining a steady aim and keeping your finger on the trigger. 

If your heartbeat is steady, your body won't tense up and influence the consistency of your shots. This advice is especially important if you want to go long-range hunting and participate in precision rifle competitions since it could significantly improve your accuracy.


5)  Check Your Eye Relief


A man in military looking through the eye piece and aiming

Credit: Envato Elements/ cavanimages


Any shot that is not completely clear will result in a reduction in accuracy. To ensure that no scope shadow is obstructing your vision of the target, check your eye relief. Change your setup as necessary until you can no longer see a shadow.


6)  Understand Your Scope


A person aiming his rifle outwards

Credit: Envato Elements/ StudioPeace


Even though long-range optics are quite advanced today, a costly scope won't ensure an accurate shot. In order to shoot at long distances, you need a scope with an elevation turret. Additionally, look for a zero-stop feature that automatically resets the turret to make adjustments easier. Because all these features are offered in a range of scope models at varying price points, be sure that you are aware of what you want.


7)  Hold Your Rifle Correctly


A person looking through his rifle out in the open

Credit: Envato Elements/ vlad_star


To control recoil, hold the gun firmly but not in a death grip. In order to maintain a tight grip, wrap your thumb tightly around the grip. Leaving your thumb behind the bolt or adjacent to the safety catch might become an uncomfortable habit if you plan to use bigger long-range rifles with severe recoil.


8)  Continue Practicing


A person pointing their rifle towards the sky
Credit: Envato Elements/ kostinat


While learning anything new, practice is key. This also applies to long-range shooting. If you're still attempting to master long-range shooting on the range, try shooting in the wild. The outside world will put your shooting skills to the test, which will also hasten your progress.


What Are Precision Rifles and Do You Need One for Extreme Long-Range Shooting?


A rifle lying down on a camo tablecloth outside

Credit: Envato Elements/ valeriygoncharukphoto


Many long-range shooters use precision rifles for precision rifle shooting such as long-range competitions. These rifles are designed to a higher "standard" in terms of components than your typical hunting rifle. Additionally, they have a tendency to be heavier, which lessens the impact of recoil.

While you don't need a precision rifle for long-range shooting, you do need a gun that is dependable and has a strong barrel that can fire the right caliber round at longer ranges.


What Is the Biggest Issue That Shooters Encounter When Starting Long-Range Shooting?


A lady standing in the grass holding her rifle towards a target

Credit: Envato Elements/ Boomeart


Learning to interpret and account for environmental variables, especially the effects of the wind, is by far the most difficult aspect of long-range shooting. Once you learn to deal with these external elements, you'll become a great long-range shooter.




There you have it. If you follow the advice above, your accuracy will improve faster than you could have ever imagined. To improve your long-range shooting skills, shop at EasyShot for targets that will last the duration of your shooting practice.


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