While it could appear to be a challenging sport to learn, with the right equipment and knowledge, hitting long-range targets with confidence will be easy. In this article, we'll go over 7 helpful tips things that will help you get started with long-range shooting.
What Is Long-Range Shooting?
Credit: Envato Elements/ Pressmaster
Long-range shooting involves firing at long distances that test a weapon's or caliber's performance. In terms of distance, while mid-range targets are at a distance of 600 yards, long-range targets are 1,000 yards away.
How to Get Started With Long-Range Shooting
If you want to want to shoot long-range, here are 7 long-range shooting tips that can help you get started:
1) Use Good Quality Optics
Credit: Envato Elements/ byrdyak
While shooting at close range is possible without an optic, long-distance shooting necessitates the use of a strong scope optic. This is because the target is so far away that the unaided eye can hardly see it. Optics enhance and clarify the vision to allow you to shoot at a distance. They are extremely beneficial for those with visual issues.
2) Use the Proper Gun
Credit: Envato Elements/ ARTFULLY79
When choosing a gun, you can either choose between custom rifles and precision rifles. Whatever gun you choose, make sure that you consider its weight. The more weight the gun has, the easier it will be to secure. Lightweight weapons have the drawback of providing little to no stability from any shooting position.
In addition to its weight, be sure the gun you buy is built with a good barrel, can be used for precision rifle shooting, has an action with a solid reputation for accuracy, and is at a fair price (however you measure that).
3) Have a Ballistics Calculator

Credit: Envato Elements/ FabrikaPhoto
The ballistic calculator is the most crucial piece of equipment for long-range shooters. It is a program that figures out all the ballistic factors required for shooting, even at extremely long ranges. Having this equipment on hand will make long-range shooting considerably easier.
4) Gradually Increase the Distance
Credit: Envato Elements/ fxquadro
Don't jump right in and try shooting at 1,000 yards when you first start out with long-range shooting. Start at your natural point of aim or at a distance of about 100 yards. When you can regularly hit that quarter-size group at 100 yards, you'll know you're ready to advance. When you do move forward, you should increase the distance by 100 yards each time and stay there until you can fire groupings smaller than a quarter. Continue moving forward until you reach 1,000 yards.
Consider the fact that the further the shot, the more elements will come into contact with the bullet. For instance, between 300 and 500 yards, there will be wind and bullet drops. As you progress in distance, you'll be able to pick up pointers that you can use when you fire at longer ranges.
5) Choose a Comfortable Shooting Position
Credit: Envato Elements/ crieneimages
When long-range shooting, make sure that you are either lying down or kneeling. This might significantly increase your accuracy. Additionally, ensure your muscles are not stiff and your body is relaxed. Any tremors could impact your aim setting and prevent your bullet from hitting its target. Therefore, when shooting from a distance, make sure you're in a relaxed shooting position, take a deep breath, and then aim.
6) Have Good Trigger Control
Credit: Envato Elements/ stockcentral
The most difficult marksmanship principle to master is probably having trigger control. Anyone can pull the trigger and shoot a gun. The objective is to be able to do this repeatedly without changing any aspect of your setup, including your body position, rest, or sight picture.
When it comes to having good trigger control, the location of your finger is crucial. The best position is the tip of the pointer finger though this may vary depending on hand size.
7) Continue Practicing
Credit: Envato Elements/ cavanimages
Long-range shooting necessitates practice. It will take a while to get it right. Before you can strike the target at 1000 yards, you must perfect how to handle your weapon, stay still, and your shooting position. You can only proceed to hit the target's center once you have mastered everything else. Once you have mastered hitting the target, you can go on and participate in extreme long-range competitions, precision rifle competitions, and even start long-range hunting.
Long-range shooting can be a daunting and difficult activity. Getting the right tools is essential. Getting comfortable with shooting at a long distance takes time and practice. To improve your long-range shooting skills, shop at EasyShot for targets that will last your entire shooting practice.